sweaty palm 2.44   No more sweaty palms.
  open palm 1.91   Or make that open palms.
  left palm 1.32   He pounds his right fist into his left palm.
  potted palm 1.12   They may have entered in the soil of a potted palm.
  right palm 1.05   His right palm tightly clenched a Kleenex.
  tall palm 0.79   A tall palm outlined in light can look like a smokestack or huge asparagus plant.
  outstretched palm 0.66   He smacks my outstretched palm.
  swaying palm 0.66   A swaying palm tree.
  towering palm 0.59   Corn fields are surrounded by jungles full of towering palm and capoc trees.
  lush palm 0.46   An orange temple roof peeks over a lush palm grove.
  flat palm 0.39   He raised flat palms and raised his eyes skyward.
  plastic palm 0.39   A small, bright-green plastic palm tree on the nose of an APC.
  new palm 0.33   Empty sidewalk holes got new palm saplings.
  greased palm 0.26   But slippery deeds often require nothing more than a greased palm.
  native palm 0.26   They are native palms but not to this area.
  rare palm 0.26   The rare Haitian palm tree, for instance, was left standing for a while.
  uprooted palm 0.26   Two uprooted palm trees blocked their way at the foot of the stairs.
  woven palm 0.26   Woven palm branches tied with white ribbons arc over the display.
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