landscape painting 2.83   Landscape painting comes next.
  cave painting 2.24   Look closely to see the faint cave paintings.
  rock painting 0.99   Leakey was particularly interested in prehistoric rock paintings.
  history painting 0.86   A marine or a history painting?
  still-life painting 0.72   To reinvigorate himself he began to work on still-life paintings.
  face painting 0.66   What happened to the face paintings by the bucketful?
  fresco painting 0.66   Inside are fresco paintings.
  ink painting 0.66   The tones of ink paintings, or suibokuga, are shades of gray and black.
  brush painting 0.59   Robots by Eva Sutton and Sarah Hart try brush painting.
  portrait painting 0.59   Portrait painting is a difficult task, artists say.
  body painting 0.53   Hollywood hipsters are embracing mehndi, an ancient Indian art of body painting using henna.
  genre painting 0.53   De Hooch did not invent genre painting, but he literally gave it a new dimension.
  miniature painting 0.53   Sikander said her attraction to miniature painting surprised her as well.
  screen painting 0.53   Screen paintings have to be tough as well as pretty.
  velvet painting 0.46   A velvet painting of Willie Nelson hangs on the wall.
  watercolour painting 0.46   For good measure, some of these ideas have been worked up into watercolour paintings.
  figure painting 0.39   They revolutionized figure painting.
  flower painting 0.39   Flower paintings were never my thing.
  batik painting 0.33   The exhibition also presents sculpture, batik painting and graphic art.
  color painting 0.33   The only four oil and water color paintings at the exhibition belongs to her.
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