feel pain 45.23   Ah feel yore pain.
  ease pain 19.95   Massage helps ease the pain.
  cause pain 17.91   I have caused pain.
  have pain 14.55   I had no pain.
  experience pain 12.44   He was experiencing back pain.
  suffer pain 11.26   He suffered chest pains.
  relieve pain 9.68   Used to relieve pain.
  inflict pain 5.33   Mike is going to inflict pain.
  take pain 5.13   I took enough pain.
  reduce pain 5.00   They gave him drugs to reduce the pain.
  alleviate pain 3.95   He said he did so to alleviate pain.
  share pain 3.69   Share the pain?
  treat pain 3.49   He treats chest pain with vodka.
  endure pain 2.96   Still, Price has endured pain.
  know pain 2.96   I know the pain.
  report pain 2.44   He reported no pain.
  dull pain 2.24   Time has not dulled the pain.
  bring pain 2.04   He brings pain.
  control pain 1.97   All I could do was control the pain.
  ignore pain 1.97   He tried to ignore the pain.
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