gun ownership 11.85   Gun ownership is guaranteed.
  land ownership 10.27   One problem is land ownership.
  majority ownership 4.02   Majority ownership, he said, would be permitted.
  medium ownership 3.75   At present such cross media ownership is barred.
  property ownership 2.70   Tax benefits go with rental property ownership.
  car ownership 2.50   --It would change the rules on food stamps and car ownership.
  employee ownership 2.30   Employee ownership has not been a complete failure.
  station ownership 2.11   Last February, the government lifted limits on station ownership.
  government ownership 1.97   But government ownership would prove a debacle for all sides.
  team ownership 1.97   Team ownership and finances are a mess.
  share ownership 1.91   Dhar also cites Russian enthusiasm for share ownership.
  minority ownership 1.71   There will be minority ownership.
  radio ownership 1.05   The second is the consolidation of radio ownership.
  handgun ownership 0.92   Britain has since banned handgun ownership.
  business ownership 0.86   Women clearly think business ownership is part of the solution.
  dog ownership 0.86   Either way, dog ownership is an uncommon burden.
  equity ownership 0.79   The equity ownership is to be divided equally between the management group and Interpublic.
  computer ownership 0.72   Certainly economics and education are also powerful handicaps to computer ownership.
  bank ownership 0.59   Thus the change in bank ownership will be most notable.
  firearm ownership 0.53   Tough gun laws make firearm ownership rare in Singapore.
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