court overturn 16.46   The court overturned the result.
  car overturn 2.83   The car overturned.
  vehicle overturn 2.30   The utility vehicle overturned, killing those inside.
  judge overturn 2.11   A higher court judge overturned the ruling.
  ruling overturn 1.91   The ruling overturned just such a law in Iowa.
  boat overturn 1.78   The boat overturned.
  truck overturn 1.58   No one was seriously hurt when the truck overturned.
  bus overturn 1.45   The two rear buses then overturned.
  decision overturn 1.25   The Supreme Court decision overturns that ruling.
  panel overturn 1.12   However, the panel rarely overturns a staff decision.
  state overturn 0.79   The state Supreme Court overturned his decision.
  protester overturn 0.59   In Frankfurt, protesters overturned cars and clashed with police.
  carrier overturn 0.53   Two American soldiers die, three injured when armored personnel carrier overturns.
  justice overturn 0.53   The justices overturned that decision today.
  van overturn 0.53   A state police captain there was killed as he tried to help motorists whose van overturned.
  majority overturn 0.46   The Supreme Court majority overturned that decision.
  bill overturn 0.39   The current bills would overturn that rule.
  carriage overturn 0.39   Two carriages overturned.
  official overturn 0.39   Traders said the disturbance began when town officials overturned carts laden with shoes, clothing and other goods.
  tribunal overturn 0.39   War crimes tribunal overturns three convictions of Bosnian Croats.
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