express outrage 22.98   Others expressed outrage.
  spark outrage 10.60   It sparked an outrage.
  provoke outrage 7.77   That decision provoked outrage.
  cause outrage 6.91   The comments caused outrage.
  voice outrage 2.63   Viewers must voice their outrage.
  prompt outrage 2.50   This prompted outrage.
  trigger outrage 2.50   The execution triggered international outrage.
  stir outrage 1.18   The hunt has stirred outrage among other signatories to the treaty.
  draw outrage 1.12   Those rare cases drew outrage.
  follow outrage 1.05   Outrage follows outrage.
  generate outrage 0.72   The case generated public outrage.
  vent outrage 0.59   No wonder Clinton defenders are venting their outrage at Kenneth Starr.
  feel outrage 0.46   Can you feel the outrage?
  fuel outrage 0.46   And fueled their outrage, too.
  share outrage 0.46   Some Israelis share their outrage.
  create outrage 0.39   But only the comments on the fourth wall created outrage.
  galvanize outrage 0.39   The reports of rapes helped galvanize outrage against Indonesia among ethnic Chinese worldwide.
  inspire outrage 0.39   There were no dogs and water cannons in Chicago to inspire public outrage.
  reflect outrage 0.39   The polls reflected no outrage.
  register outrage 0.39   Lee said this week after she formally registered her outrage with the MCAD.
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