earnings outlook 11.98   Earnings outlooks are suspect.
  inflation outlook 6.25   The inflation outlook is good.
  profit outlook 5.73   The company also reduced its profit outlook.
  weather outlook 3.62   The weather outlook was gloomy.
  business outlook 3.09   Is the business outlook for gene therapy still exciting?
  export outlook 1.91   Corn prices slid lower on the glum export outlook.
  market outlook 1.71   His market outlook is cautious.
  budget outlook 1.51   This year the budget outlook is brighter.
  growth outlook 1.51   The growth outlook for Japan is somewhat different.
  crop outlook 0.99   North Korean crop outlook bleak in drought.
  price outlook 0.92   Investors, too, are encouraged by the price outlook.
  world outlook 0.92   Suddenly, a reasonably solid world economic outlook is clouded, including here.
  job outlook 0.86   The job outlook also continues to be relatively strong.
  employment outlook 0.72   The employment outlook for this group looks equally grim.
  term outlook 0.72   Many analysts now have a pessimistic short term outlook.
  investment outlook 0.66   The investment outlook was mixed, according to the survey.
  medium-term outlook 0.66   However, the medium-term outlook for the yen is still bearish.
  industry outlook 0.59   Is the industry outlook promising?
  rating outlook 0.59   The ratings outlook remains negative.
  weekend outlook 0.59   Christmas weekend outlook...
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