angry outburst 3.95   Angry outbursts.
  violent outburst 3.88   There were a few violent outbursts.
  emotional outburst 2.83   It was an emotional outburst.
  latest outburst 2.11   The latest outburst of violence has only heightened tensions in Hebron.
  occasional outburst 1.58   But there were occasional outbursts of animosity.
  frequent outburst 1.18   Modigliani is not a man given to frequent outbursts on the stock market.
  rare outburst 1.05   Debate sparks rare outburst of intolerance.
  sudden outburst 0.99   Sudden outbursts of weeping were not unusual.
  offensive outburst 0.86   These offensive outbursts are not new.
  new outburst 0.79   But this new outburst worried him.
  public outburst 0.79   No public outbursts.
  recent outburst 0.59   Fears of an armed conflict have increased after a recent outburst of violence.
  last outburst 0.53   There would be one last outburst.
  similar outburst 0.53   The government was so alarmed that it has taken measures to prevent a similar outburst.
  spontaneous outburst 0.53   ...a spontaneous outburst of cheers and applause.
  scoring outburst 0.46   The Swedes owed much of their scoring outburst to Brolin.
  sporadic outburst 0.46   Sporadic outbursts of fighting have continued since then, and even Moscow is powerless to stop the violence.
  verbal outburst 0.46   Ex-staffers described several verbal outbursts.
  periodic outburst 0.33   Chechen authorities have distanced themselves from Raduyev and have grown impatient with his periodic outbursts.
  such outburst 0.33   Such an outburst is unbecoming in a society such as ours.
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