have opportunity 137.85   Innocent had the opportunity and he took it.
  provide opportunity 40.03   The OU provided the opportunity.
  see opportunity 31.53   Adams saw his opportunity.
  create opportunity 29.69   Can we create more opportunities?
  miss opportunity 27.39   I missed an opportunity.
  seize opportunity 26.40   Every opportunity must be seized.
  offer opportunity 25.87   Storage of data offers opportunities.
  give opportunity 17.51   He said he was not given the opportunity.
  use opportunity 15.01   Every opportunity should be used.
  get opportunity 12.24   I got an opportunity.
  seek opportunity 10.14   Even this March, he sought an opportunity.
  explore opportunity 8.62   Lewis has hired an agent to explore job opportunities.
  lose opportunity 6.98   Lost opportunities?
  take opportunity 6.91   Take the opportunity.
  present opportunity 6.85   And that may present opportunities.
  find opportunity 6.19   The trick is finding that opportunity.
  pursue opportunity 5.92   LaValle left to pursue new opportunities, Oster said.
  welcome opportunity 5.66   And some welcomed the opportunity to talk.
  waste opportunity 5.60   The Giants wasted opportunities.
  squander opportunity 5.53   Squandered scoring opportunities.
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