business opportunity 31.20   Cone vagely mentioned business opportunities.
  investment opportunity 24.62   Investment opportunities.
  job opportunity 22.19   The boom has created job opportunities.
  employment opportunity 11.45   Employment opportunities?
  career opportunity 6.65   Career opportunity?
  growth opportunity 6.32   It is a major part of our growth opportunity.
  power-play opportunity 4.34   Six power-play opportunities proved fruitless.
  market opportunity 4.15   New market opportunities.
  trade opportunity 2.96   Enormous trade opportunities are at stake.
  work opportunity 1.84   For the Palestinians, it could mean lost work opportunities.
  export opportunity 1.78   This meant lost export opportunities, he said.
  arbitrage opportunity 1.51   The futures contracts provided arbitrage opportunities.
  birdie opportunity 1.51   Birdie opportunities were scarce.
  development opportunity 1.38   That may allow more development opportunities.
  acquisition opportunity 1.32   He said the company continues to explore acquisition opportunities.
  profit opportunity 1.32   But rising rates can mean profit opportunities, too.
  research opportunity 1.32   So much for research opportunities.
  education opportunity 1.25   They seek better education opportunities for girls.
  endorsement opportunity 1.18   Endorsement opportunities.
  break opportunity 1.12   He converted three break opportunities.
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