perform opera 1.78   The opera will be performed by a company from Ferrara.
  write opera 1.78   He even wrote an opera.
  sing opera 1.38   The opera is sung in Khmer.
  stage opera 1.32   Barney stages operas.
  conduct opera 1.12   This year he will conduct no operas, he said.
  attend opera 0.92   He attends the opera.
  direct opera 0.86   Strehler also directed operas.
  produce opera 0.79   Getting the opera produced would prove nearly as difficult as putting it together.
  study opera 0.79   He studied Western opera, made commercials and sang pop music.
  love opera 0.72   Verdi loved this opera.
  do opera 0.59   He wants to do opera.
  know opera 0.59   For people who know the opera, all the better.
  present opera 0.59   Santa Fe presented the opera in the English translation of Andrew Porter.
  see opera 0.59   More people see opera.
  compose opera 0.46   He has composed two operas since then, and neither was a comedy.
  include opera 0.46   A. The repertory at the Met certainly includes operas with lots of supernumeraries.
  bring opera 0.39   But technical wizardry goes only so far in bringing an opera to life.
  enjoy opera 0.39   I wondered if he had enjoyed the opera.
  hear opera 0.39   I wanted to hear the opera.
  soap opera 0.33   Not bad for a TV soap opera.
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