trade open 1.58   Trading finally opened in late afternoon.
  leave open 0.92   He was unable to limit the damage again, leaving himself open to the big inning.
  keep open 0.79   Keeping my eyes open for that sort of thing.
  be open 0.39   It is to be opened gradually over four months.
  crack open 0.39   The Cowboys are now Popeye after cracking open the can of spinach.
  throw open 0.39   But some EU members worry about throwing open their markets to cheap produce.
  trading open 0.39   The announcement was made before regular trading opened.
  train open 0.33   For the less elite, training camps opened this weekend, with the usual number of questions.
  break open 0.26   The Clippers did a fine job of that, particularly while breaking open a close game in the final quarter.
  cut open 0.26   They resumed on Saturday, locating the barge and cutting open the bottom.
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