say official 432.06   And Cohen, the official said, agreed.
  quote official 47.60   Officials were quoted.
  meet official 31.67   Ekeus will also meet Jordanian officials.
  accuse official 22.51   He accused local officials of a cover-up.
  include official 14.15   The meeting also included city officials.
  tell official 12.11   Kouba immediately told club officials about it.
  cite official 11.06   He cited officials close to the investigation.
  contact official 8.16   It was not possible to contact forest officials.
  arrest official 7.64   The Nomura official was also arrested.
  criticize official 7.57   They criticized local officials.
  send official 7.24   They can send an official to Brussels.
  reach official 7.18   No officials could be reached for comment.
  involve official 6.71   Smuggling rings sometimes involve officials.
  kill official 6.58   The union official was killed.
  ask official 6.06   Rambis asked the official.
  anger official 5.79   This has angered state officials.
  bribe official 5.40   Chung has a record of bribing government officials.
  notify official 5.27   But tribunal officials have been notified.
  name official 5.13   The official was not named.
  alert official 5.07   They then alerted local officials.
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