lower oesophageal 2.76   The manometric features of the lower oesophageal sphincter are shown in Table II.
  normal oesophageal 0.66   EGF was found in the capillary endothelium of the normal oesophageal papillae and basal mucosa.
  corrosive oesophageal 0.53   We have reported that endoscopic dilatation is an effective and safe short term treatment for corrosive oesophageal strictures.
  prolonged oesophageal 0.46   Oesophageal sensitivity to acid was preserved in patients with impaired peristalsis and oesophagitis.
  upper oesophageal 0.46   No grouping had basal upper oesophageal sphincter pressure that differed significantly from any other.
  impaired oesophageal 0.39   Acid clearance time is a useful index of impaired oesophageal motor function.
  primary oesophageal 0.33   Given the rarity of isolated primary oesophageal involvement by lymphoma, one may question its clinical significance.
  basal oesophageal 0.26   No grouping had basal upper oesophageal sphincter pressure that differed significantly from any other.
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