scientist observe 1.38   Scientists observed the event from airplanes and ground stations.
  group observe 1.18   All three groups are observing less-than-total truces.
  reporter observe 1.12   He agreed to let a reporter observe the procedure.
  researcher observe 1.12   Researchers observed one bird impale a rodent on a cactus.
  troop observe 1.12   Israeli troops observed the exchange from a nearby hilltop position.
  monitor observe 1.05   Thirty international monitors were observing the election.
  correspondent observe 0.92   He was burned beyond recognition, an AFP correspondent observed.
  force observe 0.92   Saidov said it was unclear whether opposition forces were observing the truce.
  student observe 0.86   Students can observe manatees in human care and in the wild.
  astronomer observe 0.79   In time, astronomers observed two strange phenomena.
  nation observe 0.79   No other nation observes the U.S. embargo on Cuba.
  country observe 0.72   Seventy different countries observe some sort of DST.
  police observe 0.72   The police have been observing his movements.
  side observe 0.72   Both sides observe each other constantly.
  team observe 0.72   Our sniper teams observed them manning an anti-aircraft gun.
  official observe 0.66   U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency officials are observing the operation.
  family observe 0.59   The family also observed Islam.
  party observe 0.59   Even the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami party observed the day.
  rebel observe 0.59   Tamil rebels have been observing a unilateral cease-fire since Christmas Eve.
  analyst observe 0.53   Analysts observe that Bush is in a position to turn down federal matching funds.
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