write novel 18.37   Who wrote the novel Lolita?
  read novel 5.66   Read a novel.
  publish novel 3.88   They may have published a novel.
  adapt novel 1.32   John Irving adapted his novel for the screen.
  finish novel 1.32   He also finished a novel.
  turn novel 1.12   Minghella talks about turning the novel into a film.
  complete novel 0.92   She is completing a novel.
  base novel 0.66   His novel is based on a true story about his mother.
  have novel 0.59   I have a novel on this thing!
  produce novel 0.59   The novel is being produced as an off-Broadway play.
  start novel 0.59   He had started a novel.
  begin novel 0.53   He then began the novel, fully expecting it would be his next book.
  buy novel 0.46   Six months after that, Hyperion bought the novel.
  make novel 0.46   Both novels were made into films.
  translate novel 0.46   The novel was translated badly into English.
  film novel 0.39   The novel has been filmed several times.
  include novel 0.39   She gave him six ties and several books, including the novel Vox, by Nicholson Baker.
  inspire novel 0.39   Her first novel was inspired by her early childhood.
  like novel 0.39   I like novels in which something happens.
  narrate novel 0.39   The novel is narrated by Talcott Garland, a law professor at a place much like Yale.
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