choose nominee 2.83   The nominee must be chosen unanimously.
  reject nominee 2.50   Lawmakers reject premier nominee.
  select nominee 2.04   An Academy committee selects the nominees.
  announce nominee 1.97   Nominees were announced Thursday.
  confirm nominee 1.97   The nominees then were confirmed.
  pick nominee 1.32   As we speak, the process of picking the nominees is under way.
  support nominee 1.12   Bush also pledged to support the nominee.
  approve nominee 1.05   The three nominees were all approved by the American Bar Association.
  block nominee 0.92   Still, any senator can single-handedly block a nominee.
  submit nominee 0.86   The president has two weeks to submit a nominee to the Duma.
  consider nominee 0.79   Oscar nominees are automatically considered for membership in the following year.
  have nominee 0.72   Each category has five nominees.
  review nominee 0.59   An international master jury meets in Geneva to review the nominees and make an initial cut.
  defeat nominee 0.53   Democratic filibusters have never defeated a nominee.
  oppose nominee 0.53   Communist Party leader to oppose presidential nominee.
  name nominee 0.46   If Cooley were to step down after the primary, the party could name a nominee.
  accept nominee 0.33   It rejected Amporn while accepting four nominees from the Supreme Court.
  appoint nominee 0.33   Shah won and his nominees were appointed.
  lead nominee 0.33   Faith Hill leads all nominees with six.
  abandon nominee 0.26   In the White House, aides said Clinton is especially sensitive to abandoning prospective nominees because of the criticism leveled at him in his first term.
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