year nominee 1.25   But Mondale was the Democratic nominee that year.
  best-picture nominee 0.72   All are best-picture nominees.
  actress nominee 0.59   That seems to be the major dilemma facing the actress nominees.
  court nominee 0.59   Clinton and Gore urged the Senate to confirm more federal court nominees.
  first-time nominee 0.59   All the directors are first-time nominees.
  administration nominee 0.53   But there are no such agreements on any of the other administration nominees languishing in the Senate.
  artist nominee 0.53   The best new artist nominees were all striking.
  board nominee 0.53   He repeated that he also opposes the election of three other board nominees.
  picture nominee 0.53   So what will the other four best picture nominees be?
  vocalist nominee 0.46   Best male vocalist nominees were Jackson, McGraw, Strait, Kenny Chesney and Vince Gill.
  minority nominee 0.39   Democrats have accused Republicans of being slow to approve female or minority nominees.
  actor nominee 0.33   The best supporting actor nominees have a varied range of film experience.
  major-party nominee 0.33   In five of the races, women are among the major-party nominees.
  secretary nominee 0.33   Defense secretary nominee meets Senate committee.
  award nominee 0.26   A marvelous time was had by all, the whole BBC gang, the award nominees .
  time nominee 0.26   Garcia said the group has met with the Republican nominee four times over the last year.
  vice nominee 0.26   Cheney on Thursday returned a phone call from Democratic vice presidential nominee Joseph Lieberman who wished him a speedy recovery and a happy Thanksgiving.
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