loud noise 15.60   Loud noises.
  strange noise 4.54   A strange noise woke her up.
  only noise 1.51   The only noise is the sound of their breathing.
  excessive noise 1.45   They also ban excessive noise and on-site training of workers.
  funny noise 1.32   It all makes a funny noise!
  little noise 1.32   The merest little noise makes him nervous.
  sudden noise 1.25   A sudden loud noise wakened us.
  deafening noise 1.18   One moment, deafening noise.
  street noise 1.18   General confusion and street noise also take a toll.
  big noise 1.12   Other teams made the big noise.
  popping noise 1.12   Suddenly, there was a popping noise behind him.
  the noise 1.12   Or at least made the most noise.
  joyful noise 1.05   Joyful noise.
  ambient noise 0.92   Instead, Mrs. Thorpe and the neighbor listened to the ambient noise.
  animal noise 0.79   ...birdsong and other animal noises.
  constant noise 0.79   She was fed up with the constant noise of traffic.
  odd noise 0.79   Then he noticed that odd noise.
  right noise 0.79   Yes, make the right noises.
  faint noise 0.72   We heard a faint noise.
  explosive noise 0.66   The coffee pot would soon start to make little explosive noises, grumbles and rattles on the stove.
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