have nickname 3.75   He has no nickname.
  earn nickname 3.23   I have already earned a nickname.
  get nickname 2.44   You get a nickname.
  use nickname 1.65   You use a nickname.
  give nickname 1.25   They also gave him nicknames.
  change nickname 0.99   The club will also change its nickname.
  acquire nickname 0.92   She soon acquired the nickname Trekkie.
  adopt nickname 0.66   The rest of the media eventually adopted the nickname.
  take nickname 0.46   It took the nickname Railpax but quickly changed to Amtrak.
  chant nickname 0.39   We chanted the nicknames.
  need nickname 0.39   Alysa Parks needs a nickname.
  announce nickname 0.33   Owners plan to announce their nickname the day they are awarded a team.
  choose nickname 0.33   Choose your nickname.
  like nickname 0.33   Johnson likes the nickname.
  hang nickname 0.26   No one yet has hung a nickname on the trio.
  inspire nickname 0.26   That stormy style inspired the nickname synonymous with the man.
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