arab neighbor 16.92   An Arab neighbor helped the family to flee.
  the neighbor 14.61   But the two neighbors have a different history.
  next-door neighbor 11.78   Not the next-door neighbors.
  northern neighbor 10.53   This escalates into war with our northern neighbor.
  former neighbor 8.49   He was the son of a former neighbor.
  asian neighbor 8.10   But the surplus ballooned with Asian neighbors.
  southern neighbor 8.03   NATO establishes dialogue with southern neighbors.
  new neighbor 7.97   We got new neighbors.
  good neighbor 7.64   Good neighbor, indeed.
  hostile neighbor 6.45   The hostile neighbors had not met officially in almost three years.
  eastern neighbor 5.99   NATO is committed to taking in eastern neighbors.
  uneasy neighbor 4.41   Uneasy neighbors begin talks.
  european neighbor 4.34   European neighbors also welcome the Swiss decision.
  giant neighbor 4.28   Nepalese are wary of their giant neighbor.
  nuclear-armed neighbor 4.02   The nuclear-armed neighbors have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir.
  communist neighbor 3.23   Japan immediately halted economic aid to its impoverished communist neighbor.
  western neighbor 3.03   Iran is the western neighbor of Afghanistan.
  southeast_asian neighbor 2.96   Ties have soured recently between the Southeast Asian neighbors.
  powerful neighbor 2.76   He ruled a small country surrounded by more powerful neighbors.
  muslim neighbor 2.63   It has also created tensions between Russia and her Muslim neighbors.
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