hospital nearby 9.35   He died at a hospital in nearby Mijas.
  window nearby 6.58   It shattered windows in nearby buildings.
  home nearby 5.53   Then she walks to her own home nearby.
  house nearby 4.74   Most live in houses nearby, he said.
  building nearby 4.28   A third missile hit a building nearby.
  resident nearby 4.28   Residents of nearby homes give the tour.
  village nearby 3.82   He was born in a village nearby.
  people nearby 3.49   People at nearby tables looked round.
  base nearby 2.63   The army set up a base in nearby Batufa.
  car nearby 2.63   Dozens of cars nearby were set ablaze.
  street nearby 2.63   Nobody rushed on the streets nearby to gape about.
  site nearby 2.50   Three sites nearby store toxic chemicals.
  area nearby 2.44   Tanks also shelled areas in nearby Beit Sahur.
  office nearby 2.44   It has already opened an outreach office in nearby Gorham.
  water nearby 2.44   - Keep water nearby.
  hotel nearby 2.24   He listed his local address as a hotel in nearby Laurel, Md.
  town nearby 2.24   Class B live in a small town nearby.
  ground nearby 1.97   One was on the ground nearby.
  man nearby 1.97   I asked a man nearby.
  camp nearby 1.91   We set up camp at nearby Icicle Lake.
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