convicted murderer 18.96   These include eight convicted murderers.
  mass murderer 7.44   American mass murderers.
  accused murderer 2.44   Prison denies claims by accused murderer.
  suspected murderer 1.71   These are not lawyers and a suspected murderer.
  alleged murderer 1.65   Klebold, alleged mass murderer, even existed.
  real murderer 0.99   Woods was released from jail after the real murderers confessed.
  double murderer 0.79   Double murderer as societal victim.
  condemned murderer 0.66   A few months ago a condemned murderer was flown from New York to Oklahoma.
  confessed murderer 0.59   Suda and Somkid had pledged never to forgive the confessed murderer.
  executing murderer 0.46   To say that society should refrain from executing murderers for fear of making a mistake is not noble.
  brutal murderer 0.39   Gory details of a family wiped away at the hands of a brutal murderer.
  first-degree murderer 0.39   First-degree murderers or rapists will be excluded, Singletary said.
  cold-blooded murderer 0.33   From there you call me a cold-blooded murderer.
  psychotic murderer 0.33   Psychotic murderers.
  triple murderer 0.33   Napier, a triple murderer, said the cold-turkey approach has tempers flaring.
  famous murderer 0.26   A very famous murderer.
  puerto_rican murderer 0.26   The puerto Rican mass murderer had decided to jump.
  retarded murderer 0.26   The ruling applies to only mentally retarded murderers.
  terrorist murderer 0.26   It does not say that terrorist murderers will be extradited to Israel or imprisoned by the Palestinian Authority.
  the murderer 0.26   And then the two murderers killed themselves.
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