commit murder 27.85   By night, she commits murder.
  investigate murder 9.28   I am investigating a murder.
  include murder 8.89   Including murder.
  order murder 6.85   I just ordered the murder of a judge.
  follow murder 5.00   His murder would be followed by his ascent.
  solve murder 4.74   The murder was never solved.
  condemn murder 3.03   Washington also condemned the murder.
  plot murder 2.96   He denied plotting the murder.
  witness murder 2.70   Did she witness the murders?
  deny murder 2.37   Two men deny attempted murder.
  arrange murder 1.78   But he denied arranging her murder.
  plan murder 1.71   It is widely conjectured that Stalin himself planned the murder of Kirov.
  attempt murder 1.65   Sharif is charged with hijacking, kidnapping and attempted murder.
  link murder 1.65   Police think the murders are linked.
  mastermind murder 1.65   Salinas was convicted of masterminding the murder early last year.
  involve murder 1.45   All involved murders.
  carry murder 1.32   The murder was never carried out.
  scream murder 1.32   I screamed bloody murder.
  blame murder 1.25   He blamed the murder on Kidd.
  protest murder 1.12   Thousands protested the murder of a student in Gdansk in February.
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