capital murder 17.38   Curl committed capital murder.
  felony murder 4.28   He was convicted of felony murder.
  contract murder 2.83   The slaying may have been a contract murder.
  child murder 1.51   Hassle-free child murder is here!
  high-profile murder 0.99   A high-profile murder allegedly solved.
  third-degree murder 0.86   He pleaded guilty to third-degree murder.
  gangland-style murder 0.79   There have also been an increasing number of gangland-style murders.
  sex murder 0.72   The bungled investigation into child sex murders has only highlighted the deficiencies.
  execution-style murder 0.66   Police said the execution-style murder was typical of the Black Disciples gang.
  gang murder 0.46   A gang initiation murder?
  drive-by murder 0.39   Trial resumes of suspects in drive-by murder of Supreme Court judge.
  ax murder 0.33   Flashback to a few more ax murders.
  mob murder 0.33   The strikes were in retaliation for the mob murder of two Israeli army reservists.
  weekend murder 0.33   Two high-profile tourist murders this weekend have put the tourism business on edge again.
  year murder 0.33   Scores of Russian businessmen and officials are killed in contract murders every year, according to official figures.
  drug murder 0.26   He said Tuesday that his experience indicated that drug murders usually are carried out with guns.
  face murder 0.26   They will likely face murder charges, said police spokesman Capt. Shannon Kirkhoff.
  knife murder 0.26   Prosecutors say Simpson cut himself during the knife murders.
  malice murder 0.26   Lewis was charged with malice murder, felony murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
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