thick mud 3.36   We ploughed through the thick mud.
  dried mud 1.84   Shoes caked with dried mud.
  red mud 1.18   The village is well-known for its pottery made from the red mud from the river.
  sun-baked mud 1.12   Sun-baked mud homes cling to the stark brown hillsides of Kabul.
  deep mud 1.05   My foot sank into the deep mud.
  brown mud 0.99   It was drab brown mud.
  soft mud 0.92   It is also a very useful rig for fishing over soft mud and weed.
  contaminated mud 0.86   They also do not want contaminated mud placed in their landfills.
  knee-deep mud 0.86   And slogs through knee-deep mud.
  ankle-deep mud 0.66   It now is a sea of soggy grass and ankle-deep mud.
  drilling mud 0.59   Drilling mud, injected to remove cuttings, leaked into the underground water and emerged in the creek.
  baked mud 0.46   Many houses of baked mud and straw stand empty.
  black mud 0.46   The black mud fettered her movements.
  sunbaked mud 0.39   A girl gets married and disappears behind a wall of sunbaked mud.
  fresh mud 0.33   Rains washed fresh mud over old clues.
  thatched mud 0.33   Its architecture consists of round, thatched mud huts set off by straw fences.
  volcanic mud 0.33   The walls are painted a dark taupe, the color of volcanic mud.
  cracked mud 0.26   Now they are parched with cracked mud.
  frozen mud 0.26   I murmur as I pull on my shoes and stockings because now I will not have to walk barefoot over frozen mud.
  gray mud 0.26   The long cylinders of gray mud are sliced lengthways into an archive half and a sample half.
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