gastric mucosa 5.99   Furthermore, the state of the gastric mucosa was not described.
  normal mucosa 2.37   Histological evaluation showed normal mucosa.
  colonic mucosa 2.04   Superoxide seems to be generated by the endothelium in inflamed colonic mucosa.
  intestinal mucosa 1.51   Morphometric analysis of intestinal mucosa.
  inflamed mucosa 1.32   Superoxide seems to be generated by the endothelium in inflamed colonic mucosa.
  duodenal mucosa 1.12   Gastroscopy showed a nodular gastric mucosa with apthous ulceration and superficially normal duodenal mucosa.
  antral mucosa 0.59   Twenty patients taking NSAIDs had a histologically normal antral gastric mucosa.
  human mucosa 0.53   In addition, evidence has been provided for an active transport mechanism in the human intestinal mucosa.
  rectal mucosa 0.53   This viewpoint is also corroborated by the brisk response of rectal mucosa to local gluten infusion.
  intact mucosa 0.46   The ratio of radioactivity of ulcer area v intact mucosa was calculated for each group of rats.
  small mucosa 0.46   The small intestinal mucosa was studied by histology, morphometry, biochemistry, and electron microscopy.
  colorectal mucosa 0.26   Specimens of the colorectal mucosa were obtained just after their surgical excision.
  fundic mucosa 0.26   Nevertheless, argyrophil micronodules were often seen, scattered in the fundic mucosa.
  gastrointestinal mucosa 0.26   Lymphocytic infiltration can occur in all exocrine glands, including those of the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  oral mucosa 0.26   Daily assessment of the oral mucosa.
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