climb mountain 8.82   We climb mountains.
  hit mountain 3.16   Now, the tour hits the mountains.
  have mountain 2.50   We had a mountain to climb.
  move mountain 2.17   The fellows moved mountains.
  scale mountain 1.84   He knew how to scale mountains.
  see mountain 1.65   Instead he sees more mountains.
  cross mountain 1.32   They crossed mountains and forded streams.
  up mountain 1.32   Volunteer firefighters raced up the mountain.
  leave mountain 1.25   He never turned around again, except to leave the mountain.
  make mountain 1.18   Talk about making mountains out of molehills.
  search mountain 1.18   Sherpa guides are searching the mountain, the ministry said.
  cover mountain 1.12   The mountains were covered in fog.
  descend mountain 1.12   Several climbers were descending the mountain.
  face mountain 1.05   Leonard initially faced a mountain of challenges.
  comb mountain 0.99   Troops were combing the mountains when they were fired upon by rebels, the army said.
  scour mountain 0.72   The next day Serb forces scoured the mountains looking for the villagers.
  blanket mountain 0.66   The mountains were blanketed with snow.
  dust mountain 0.66   Snow showers and flurries, some with gusty winds, will dust the mountains.
  reach mountain 0.66   Finally, they reached the mountains.
  shroud mountain 0.66   The mountains were shrouded in fog.
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