israeli motorist 9.55   An Israeli motorist was wounded by gunfire north of Nablus.
  passing motorist 9.02   Passing motorists honked.
  stranded motorist 3.36   Emergency teams had trouble reaching stranded motorists.
  black motorist 1.91   Mildon fatally shot another black motorist four years ago.
  palestinian motorist 1.71   In response, settlers briefly blocked the street to Palestinian motorists.
  angry motorist 1.18   An angry motorist shouts.
  private motorist 0.99   How to integrate the private motorist.
  american motorist 0.92   And if big is beautiful for many American motorists, very big is back, too.
  speeding motorist 0.92   Again, say the police, speeding motorists were to blame.
  arab motorist 0.86   Jewish settlers attacked an Arab motorist in retaliation.
  innocent motorist 0.86   No innocent motorists were roughed up.
  uninsured motorist 0.79   Quackenbush said he favors measures to get uninsured motorists off the road.
  vacationing motorist 0.72   While still strong, gasoline demand from vacationing motorists is slowing.
  white motorist 0.72   Some pulled white motorists from their cars and assaulted them.
  errant motorist 0.53   City police launch blitz against errant motorists, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  fellow motorist 0.53   The most depressing thing was the reaction of my fellow motorists.
  the motorist 0.53   Mr Wong got out to talk with the other motorist.
  irate motorist 0.46   Irate motorists rightfully ask who is responsible for allowing these decrepit vehicles on the road.
  unsuspecting motorist 0.46   It is virtually undetectable to unsuspecting motorists and pedestrians.
  elderly motorist 0.39   Those are some of the features loved or loathed by elderly motorists.
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