presidential motorcade 2.96   A presidential motorcade.
  guarded motorcade 0.59   He then drove to his nearby home in a heavily guarded motorcade.
  papal motorcade 0.59   Crowds cheered and waved Vatican flags as the papal motorcade drove through the streets.
  long motorcade 0.46   He was soon whisked away to his residence in a long motorcade.
  official motorcade 0.39   And those are just the official motorcades.
  royal motorcade 0.39   The royal motorcade stopped at the highest point.
  police-escorted motorcade 0.33   Police-escorted motorcades raced separately away from the U.S. Capitol, carrying Mrs. Bush and congressional leaders.
  separate motorcade 0.33   The Clintons arrived together on Air Force One after their weekend at Camp David, but left in separate motorcades.
  speeding motorcade 0.33   A speeding motorcade had accompanied the ambulance that took the emir to a hospital in Manama.
  noisy motorcade 0.26   She grimaced in annoyance as a noisy party motorcade circled below.
  small motorcade 0.26   Lahoud arrived unannounced in Jezzine in a small motorcade.
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