file motion 32.39   His lawyer filed a motion for a mistrial.
  reject motion 7.83   Ito rejected the motion.
  deny motion 6.71   We denied the motion.
  pass motion 5.86   Parliament passed motions expressing its sadness.
  support motion 5.53   I ask you to support this motion.
  make motion 5.40   He too makes sewing motions.
  submit motion 3.49   Opposition submits censure motion against government.
  grant motion 3.03   The motion was granted.
  approve motion 2.96   The motion was approved.
  debate motion 2.83   Parliament will debate the motion Monday.
  consider motion 2.70   But the court failed to consider his motion.
  oppose motion 2.70   Bonner opposed the motion.
  withdraw motion 2.57   You really must withdraw this motion.
  second motion 2.50   I second the motion.
  table motion 2.44   She plans to table a motion for debate in Parliament.
  introduce motion 2.30   No-confidence motion may be introduced.
  defeat motion 2.04   Culture minister defeats impeachment motion.
  move motion 1.91   Colleagues, I move this motion.
  hear motion 1.78   Bransten said she will hear motions Thursday.
  back motion 1.71   Poland joined the United States in backing the motion.
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