build mosque 5.46   The mosque was never built.
  visit mosque 3.29   Looking for solace, he visited a mosque.
  enter mosque 2.37   Women are not allowed to enter the mosque.
  attack mosque 1.78   Residents said a group of Ambonese had attacked a mosque early Sunday.
  surround mosque 1.71   Police officers poured into the village and surrounded the mosque.
  destroy mosque 1.51   A mosque also was destroyed in the barrage.
  attend mosque 1.32   Did they even attend the mosque on a regular basis?
  leave mosque 1.32   Mohammed Tariq, a young man, asked as he left a mosque.
  raze mosque 0.99   Mosques were razed.
  rebuild mosque 0.99   Muslims want to rebuild the mosque.
  damage mosque 0.92   Ten mosques were damaged.
  hit mosque 0.86   The Israeli denied it hit the mosque.
  target mosque 0.79   They also often target mosques.
  use mosque 0.79   They are using mosques for command and control centers.
  reach mosque 0.66   He said he planned to find a way to reach the mosque.
  burn mosque 0.59   This was after the el-Aqse mosque had been burned by a deranged tourist.
  demolish mosque 0.59   The ministers have denied involvement in demolishing the mosque, although they were present.
  include mosque 0.59   Cracks opened in many buildings, including mosques.
  ransack mosque 0.59   The Noorul-Subhaan mosque was ransacked during the attacks, he said.
  torch mosque 0.59   Mosques were torched in Anotra, Nidhavli and Kharpada villages.
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