heavy mortar 7.64   A heavy mortar leaned against the wall.
  palestinian mortar 4.48   The Palestinian mortars have a range of about a mile.
  serb mortar 3.16   Serb mortar shells fall on the center of Sarajevo.
  thin-set mortar 2.50   Again, use thin-set mortar.
  homemade mortar 2.24   The homemade mortars are aimed horizontally and positioned by the roadside.
  firing mortar 1.84   Palestinians are firing mortars almost daily at Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip.
  sporadic mortar 1.38   Sporadic mortar fire was heard in the area.
  new mortar 1.12   The new mortar might hold the brick for years.
  stray mortar 1.05   Unconfirmed reports also said the runway had been damaged by stray mortar fire.
  intense mortar 0.99   The SLA said its position at Tallousa then came under intense mortar fire.
  unexploded mortar 0.99   With its aid, two unexploded mortar bombs are located.
  old mortar 0.92   Mold has cracked old mortar.
  occasional mortar 0.72   The Palestinians were also lobbing the occasional mortar, an Israeli soldier said.
  home-made mortar 0.66   A home-made mortar, an assortment of weaons and munitions have also been found there.
  russian mortar 0.59   The Chechen leader, who was hit by Russian mortar fire, was one of the leading field commanders in the war.
  small mortar 0.59   But how about an automatic rifle, a small mortar or a light machine gun?
  french mortar 0.53   The UN response is the most robust since the French mortars were deployed on Mount Igman in June.
  incoming mortar 0.53   Ammo dumps were being detonated by incoming mortars and rockets, and all hell was breaking loose.
  long-range mortar 0.53   The rebels fired long-range mortars at the reinforcements, but offered only light resistance.
  single mortar 0.53   Peacekeepers responded with a single heavy mortar bomb and two light tank rounds.
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