heavy monsoon 4.34   Most were spawned by heavy monsoon downpours.
  annual monsoon 1.97   Breaches are common during the annual monsoon.
  seasonal monsoon 1.78   The lack of seasonal monsoon rains has made the area dry.
  southwest monsoon 0.86   The drilling season ends this month with the onset of the southwest monsoons.
  poor monsoon 0.79   A poor monsoon can hurt the entire Indian economy.
  northeast monsoon 0.66   The northeast monsoon is winding up in the region.
  torrential monsoon 0.66   Geologists warned of worse catastrophes if torrential monsoons continued.
  early monsoon 0.46   Early monsoon rains lashed southwest India on Friday, ending a weeklong heat wave there.
  good monsoon 0.33   Forecasts published this week said India is on course for its ninth good monsoon in a row.
  normal monsoon 0.33   In fact, he expects a normal monsoon this year too, ninth in a row.
  indian monsoon 0.26   The life-giving Indian monsoon weakened.
  late monsoon 0.26   An unusually hot summer and late monsoon rains have damaged harvests and contributed to shortages.
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