produce moderate 3.23   This system will produce moderate to strong east winds.
  consider moderate 0.79   New prime minister considered moderate.
  have moderate 0.72   His energy plan has moderates bolting.
  include moderate 0.59   Symptoms include a moderate to high fever, headache, sore throat, body aches and fatigue.
  attract moderate 0.46   Hastert likes to make deals and prefers a more congenial approach that can attract moderates.
  woo moderate 0.39   Yet Brownback needs to woo moderates.
  bring moderate 0.33   Perjury was the House Republican mantra, the argument pressed by the hard right to bring moderates to heel.
  court moderate 0.33   He will have to court the moderates.
  draw moderate 0.33   And as a fiscal conservative who also supports abortion rights, Perot might draw moderates whom Dole needs.
  generate moderate 0.33   It will continue to generate a moderate to strong flow of dry air across the area.
  maintain moderate 0.33   This is maintaining a moderate east to southeast trade wind flow across the northeast Caribbean this morning.
  name moderate 0.33   He generally named moderates who would be palatable to Republicans.
  placate moderate 0.33   His nomination of the two Muslims appeared to be a gesture to placate moderates.
  yield moderate 0.33   A weak surface high pressure over the Atlantic north of the area is yielding moderate to brisk east winds.
  alienate moderate 0.26   Some of his advisers feared the issue would alienate suburban moderates, particularly women.
  anger moderate 0.26   The tactics angered moderates.
  target moderate 0.26   It is targeting a few moderates from both parties to push them to oppose Ashcroft.
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