disperse mob 4.02   Riot police dispersed the mob.
  stop mob 1.32   What do they do to stop mobs?
  escape mob 0.86   I just about managed to escape the mob.
  prevent mob 0.86   Shortly afterwards the security ministry said security forces had prevented the mob from penetrating the building.
  see mob 0.72   He had seen angry mobs in England.
  join mob 0.59   The Syrian police, in our view, joined the mob.
  control mob 0.53   A soldier was injured as the army was trying to control angry mobs.
  lead mob 0.53   A police commander is arrested on charges of leading the mob.
  battle mob 0.46   Police battled the mobs for about four hours before resorting to using tear gas.
  quell mob 0.39   Police fired tear gas and bullets to quell the mob.
  draw mob 0.33   As he spoke, Han quickly drew a mob of gawkers and well-wishers.
  incite mob 0.33   As a ruthless megatitan, Wellington incites mobs of protesters.
  keep mob 0.33   Then, they stationed themselves at entrances to keep the mobs out.
  organize mob 0.26   Klein said the mob was well organized.
  show mob 0.26   Old photographs show mobs of people in front of it.
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