peace mission 28.64   He will be on a peace mission.
  trade mission 27.32   A trade mission to Paris?
  rescue mission 19.62   A U.S. rescue mission was needed.
  observer mission 13.96   He blames not the observer mission, but its mandate.
  shuttle mission 13.17   ...the first shuttle mission.
  reconnaissance mission 9.87   Lamoreaux is on a reconnaissance mission.
  suicide mission 8.36   It seemed like a suicide mission.
  space mission 7.50   Eventually, six completed space missions.
  repair mission 5.60   Details on the unusual repair mission.
  spy mission 4.94   Jordan expels Israeli spy mission.
  relief mission 4.02   Diplomatic manoeuvrings over the relief mission continued.
  surveillance mission 3.88   The U.S. surveillance missions have continued.
  verification mission 3.69   The verification mission was a key part of the Kosovo deal.
  mediation mission 2.83   Thomas then joined Carter on his mediation mission.
  mercy mission 2.57   Happily such mercy missions are rare.
  aid mission 2.50   U.N. envoy arrives on aid mission.
  truce mission 2.37   Suicide attacks threaten U.S. truce mission.
  search mission 1.97   A search mission was ordered for the pilot.
  air mission 1.84   ...the prohibition of women on air combat missions.
  nine-day mission 1.84   The nine-day mission is due to end Saturday.
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