anti-personnel mine 16.92   Belgium calls for ban on anti-personnel mines.
  anti-tank mine 5.20   Those would be anti-tank mines.
  new mine 3.42   New mines are being developed.
  antipersonnel mine 2.44   There are other mines more potent than antipersonnel mines.
  copper mine 2.37   Copper mines are closed.
  abandoned mine 2.04   At abandoned tin mines, long jump is a common game.
  clear mine 1.71   The NATO force refuses to clear mines itself.
  small mine 1.71   Such small mines account for most of the deaths.
  unexploded mine 1.65   Unexploded anti-personnel mines are a major health hazard.
  tin mine 1.45   First came the Chinese to work the tin mines.
  unprofitable mine 1.38   Ukraine has moved slowly to shut unprofitable mines.
  old mine 1.32   Exploring old mines and ghost towns.
  existing mine 0.99   It also called for funding to clear existing mines.
  plastic mine 0.99   A better mine detector that can sniff out plastic mines.
  south_african mine 0.99   Strike action at South African platinum mines showed no signs of easing after several weeks of protest.
  chinese mine 0.86   Chinese mines are notorious for lax safety.
  illegal mine 0.79   There are hundreds of illegal mines in China.
  underwater mine 0.79   The attackers were believed to have set off underwater mines.
  antitank mine 0.72   In the foreground are two unfused antitank mines.
  salt mine 0.72   Lawan stands in front of the salt mines in Bilma, Niger.
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