proxy militia 2.44   Israeli troops and their proxy Lebanese militia occupy an enclave in south Lebanon.
  clan militia 1.71   It came on the fourth day of fighting between clan militias.
  government militia 1.51   Two of the victims were in a government militia.
  rebel militia 1.51   Children as young as ten were forced to fight with the rebel militia.
  student militia 1.51   APTV looks at a school in Pakistan run by the student militia.
  right-wing militia 1.25   Martin Vail takes on the right-wing militia.
  anti-taliban militia 0.86   U.S.-backed anti-Taliban militias have thousands.
  loyalist militia 0.86   The shooting, by loyalist militia, was a reprisal for the Shankill Road bomb.
  opposition militia 0.79   The rockets were fired by gunmen from the opposition Taliban militia.
  citizen militia 0.66   The book defends citizen militias.
  self-defense militia 0.53   Algeria now counts tens of thousands of self-defense militias.
  village militia 0.53   Captured by the village militia, he was held prisoner in Hanoi for six and a half years.
  youth militia 0.46   The youth militias have ignored government assurances that only police are permitted at roadblocks.
  far-right militia 0.33   Observers are disturbed by the rise in the number of far-right militias.
  interahamwe militia 0.26   There have been reports that Rwandan interahamwe militia have participated in raids carried out by Burundian Hutu rebels.
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