kill militant 24.42   He said the militant was killed.
  arrest militant 15.27   Two militants were arrested.
  train militant 5.99   India accuses Pakistan of arming and training the militants.
  blame militant 5.86   They blamed militants.
  support militant 5.40   Pakistan openly supports the militants.
  arm militant 5.00   The MQM says its militants are not armed.
  fight militant 4.21   He fought the militants, but lost.
  suspect militant 3.55   Muslim militants are suspected.
  accuse militant 3.16   He accused Lavalas militants of setting the fire.
  disarm militant 3.16   Police swarm into neighborhoods to disarm militants.
  prevent militant 3.16   ANC supporters set up roadblocks to prevent Inkatha militants from reaching Durban.
  release militant 3.03   Cabinet wants Arafat to release militants.
  back militant 2.57   Pakistan denies Indian claims that it backs the militants.
  aid militant 2.50   Sudan has denied aiding the militants.
  fund militant 2.24   Pakistan denies arming or funding the militants.
  stop militant 2.11   Many doubt Arafat can stop the militants.
  harbor militant 1.97   Ethiopia and Egypt accuse Sudan of harboring the militants.
  include militant 1.91   EU agrees Kosovo militants must be included in peace deal.
  rein_in militant 1.91   Arafat speaks to AP about Israeli strikes, plans to rein in militants.
  curb militant 1.78   Then they had a common cause in curbing the militants bent on blocking the peace effort.
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