eastern metropolis 1.32   It is headquartered in Calcutta, the eastern Indian metropolis.
  southern metropolis 0.92   The sprawling Southern metropolis ranked first in the country in job growth and housing starts.
  indian metropolis 0.86   It is headquartered in Calcutta, the eastern Indian metropolis.
  modern metropolis 0.72   It has resurrected itself as a modern metropolis on land once thought forever doomed.
  sprawling metropolis 0.72   Why not indulge this sprawling metropolis.
  bustling metropolis 0.66   ...the bustling metropolis of Chengdu.
  great metropolis 0.59   Will the great metropolises of our time, like conquered Carthage, be plowed with salt?
  major metropolis 0.59   Sightseeing, events, hotels and restaurants in the modern major metropolis of Singapore.
  western metropolis 0.53   Police in the western metropolis also went on alert.
  mediterranean metropolis 0.39   Most, like the United States, have located their main representations in the Mediterranean metropolis of Tel Aviv.
  thriving metropolis 0.39   Luzhkov is extremely popular in Moscow for turning a drab Soviet city into a thriving metropolis.
  chinese metropolis 0.33   Old habits die hard and Hong Kong is still in the midst of an awkward transition from colonial outpost to Chinese metropolis.
  crowded metropolis 0.33   Traffic congestion developed at almost every corner of the crowded metropolis.
  largest metropolis 0.33   Popocatepetl is visible from Mexico City, the largest metropolis in the Americas.
  big metropolis 0.26   The downward trend in crime was most pronounced in the big metropolises.
  teeming metropolis 0.26   An enterprising cobra on the lam could easily get lost in the bustle of a teeming metropolis like Stoneham.
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