full membership 22.51   Poland still wants full membership, as does Hungary.
  union membership 9.81   Now union membership is way down.
  eventual membership 5.27   He also dangled the possibility of eventual EU membership.
  party membership 5.27   Party membership has also dropped.
  permanent membership 4.15   India has asked for permanent membership.
  new membership 3.42   The organization is soliciting new memberships.
  early membership 3.16   But his hopes of early EU membership are overly optimistic.
  chinese membership 2.30   Geneva -- Talks on Chinese membership of GATT.
  possible membership 2.24   Possible membership in the EU and NATO has been mentioned.
  future membership 2.11   Croatia is seeking future membership, as well.
  church membership 2.04   No one is counting church membership.
  russian membership 1.91   The EU has actively supported Russian membership.
  entire membership 1.78   The entire membership will now choose the winners.
  formal membership 1.78   It did not have a formal membership.
  declining membership 1.65   The church had been troubled by declining membership and failing stewardship.
  associate membership 1.45   Slovenia has associate membership of the EU.
  british membership 1.05   French President Charles de Gaulle vetoes British membership.
  large membership 1.05   The club has a large membership.
  annual membership 0.99   Annual memberships also would be available.
  baltic membership 0.92   He said Russia would support Baltic membership in the EU.
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