new medication 6.12   I was on a new medication.
  anti-inflammatory medication 4.81   Wells is taking anti-inflammatory medication.
  over-the-counter medication 3.55   Over-the-counter medications are not.
  prescribed medication 2.37   Suppose I am taking prescribed medication?
  oral medication 2.17   He no longer uses any insulin or oral medications.
  cold medication 1.91   No, it was the cold medication.
  anti-depressant medication 1.45   He took anti-depressant medication.
  antipsychotic medication 1.38   His son was put on antipsychotic medication.
  anti-psychotic medication 1.32   Powerful anti-psychotic medications are not monitored.
  daily medication 1.18   Dole takes four medications daily and two others when needed.
  psychiatric medication 1.12   Psychiatric medication was being distributed haphazardly.
  psychotropic medication 1.12   Enjoy the warm, cozy feeling of psychotropic medication.
  blood-thinning medication 1.05   He is on a tablet form of blood-thinning medication.
  proper medication 1.05   Instead, Suggs finally got the proper medication, and the symptoms subsided.
  different medication 0.92   One hundred different medications.
  available medication 0.86   If not, we do have medications available to treat this condition.
  wrong medication 0.79   They give you the wrong medications.
  experimental medication 0.72   He was also enrolled in studies of experimental medications that might be therapeutic.
  powerful medication 0.72   Powerful anti-psychotic medications are not monitored.
  current medication 0.66   A parasite spread by mosquitos, it is evolving to resist current medications.
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