performance measurement 0.92   The first is the ubiquity of performance measurement.
  audience measurement 0.86   Dull or not, audience measurement makes the business go round.
  radiation measurement 0.66   Rossi designed many instruments now used in radiation measurement.
  body measurement 0.59   Some of their Web pages feature pictures of their dancers, body measurements and other information.
  distance measurement 0.39   Many other distance measurements of relatively nearby stars soon followed.
  laboratory measurement 0.39   The clinical indices and laboratory measurements were made within one week of having the bowel scan.
  pressure measurement 0.39   A side hole for balloon pressure measurements was placed between the detection electrodes.
  waist measurement 0.39   What is his waist measurement?
  satellite measurement 0.33   Satellite measurements alone cannot distinguish between these effects.
  air measurement 0.26   Officials have taken air measurements, reporting no signs of hazardous chemicals.
  blood measurement 0.26   The next step is to obtain arterial blood gas measurements.
  correlation measurement 0.26   Only the largest eddies can thus be related directly to correlation measurements.
  gravity measurement 0.26   The satellite yielded the most comprehensive set of gravity measurements ever.
  productivity measurement 0.26   Productivity measurement is difficult, however, he said.
  volume measurement 0.26   The volume measurement is of Coke drinks shipped from bottlers.
  wind measurement 0.26   Doubts have been raised about the legality of the record because of a possible incorrect wind measurement.
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