bond mature 2.24   The bonds mature in eight years.
  market mature 1.25   As markets mature, competition grows fiercer.
  industry mature 1.12   The industry is maturing.
  technology mature 0.66   As the technology matures, a myriad of potential applications will unfold.
  crop mature 0.59   This was mid-June, and in the nearby fields, next season s crops were maturing.
  loan mature 0.46   The next loan matures in a year.
  plant mature 0.46   As the plant matures, a flower stem will grow.
  team mature 0.46   This team has matured.
  cell mature 0.39   The cells usually mature into bone, cartilage and fat cells.
  child mature 0.39   Mischievous children never mature into delinquents.
  democracy mature 0.39   Despite the charges of vote fraud, the balloting was touted by the government as a sign its flawed democracy was maturing.
  economy mature 0.39   Economic growth is meanwhile expected to slow as the economy matures.
  time mature 0.39   I needed that time to mature as a pro.
  company mature 0.33   Many inexperienced founders need to be forced aside as a company matures.
  expansion mature 0.33   Productivity is supposed to slow as expansions mature.
  tree mature 0.33   As your tree matures, it will yield heavier crops.
  wine mature 0.33   As red wine matures, tannin softens and it becomes more balanced and drinkable.
  body mature 0.26   Both dancers portrayed young people whose bodies had matured more quickly than their emotions.
  business mature 0.26   Growing mutual fund assets is getting harder as the business matures, analysts say.
  game mature 0.26   As the games matured, so did the players.
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