surplus materialize 1.51   Will the surplus materialize as predicted?
  deal materialize 1.05   But no deal materialized.
  threat materialize 0.92   The threat never materializes.
  protest materialize 0.59   The protest did not materialize.
  plan materialize 0.53   The plan never materialized.
  attack materialize 0.46   No attack materialized.
  fund materialize 0.46   But funds never materialize.
  project materialize 0.46   The project never materialized.
  saving materialize 0.46   But opponents say the savings would not materialize.
  scenario materialize 0.46   That scenario never materialized.
  demand materialize 0.39   Q. Where can investors look to see if demand has materialized?
  rain materialize 0.39   Unless more rain materializes, the price is likely to shoot back up again, Ganes said.
  support materialize 0.39   But support never materialized, and he dropped out.
  trade materialize 0.39   Muller reported to training camp in good shape, hoping that a trade would materialize.
  agreement materialize 0.33   An agreement may not materialize.
  crowd materialize 0.33   A crowd has suddenly materialized, like ants at a picnic.
  problem materialize 0.33   Some problems never did materialize.
  battle materialize 0.26   But that battle did not materialize.
  boom materialize 0.26   So far, however, the expected boom has not materialized.
  business materialize 0.26   His sports-drink business never materialized.
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