use material 22.98   He used old material.
  contain material 14.42   But it contains fascinating material.
  include material 8.03   Includes archive material.
  carry material 6.91   It will also carry archival material on art.
  provide material 6.91   The unions also provided copious material.
  distribute material 6.71   They also have the ability to broadly distribute material.
  find material 5.99   All these materials are found in nature.
  produce material 5.99   But, what if you really must produce more material?
  remove material 5.53   Remove damaged material.
  sell material 5.20   Did she want this material sold?
  have material 4.81   I had material....
  send material 4.67   The company then sends new material every day.
  take material 4.08   They took his materials for scrap.
  release material 3.88   The panel released the material Wednesday.
  buy material 3.09   The money cannot be used to buy religious materials.
  transport material 3.09   Blue Circle of Eastgate, vehicles to transport materials.
  collect material 2.96   Maybe he was trying to collect some material.
  gather material 2.90   Gather the material and baste it.
  receive material 2.83   Dondon never received the materials.
  turn material 2.83   Downey turned the material over to the FBI.
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