direct marketing 8.62   And as far as the direct marketing is concerned?
  aggressive marketing 4.81   They needed to do some aggressive marketing.
  mass marketing 2.11   Mass marketing of religious recordings is nothing new.
  international marketing 1.97   The popularity of the sweet onions has been bolstered by international marketing.
  interactive marketing 1.78   But the company may have missed the point about interactive marketing.
  global marketing 1.71   He is currently head of global marketing and new channels.
  corporate marketing 1.58   The United States is famous for its corporate marketing.
  joint marketing 1.58   The airlines also plan joint marketing of their flights.
  poor marketing 1.18   Poor marketing can cheapen a brand name.
  better marketing 1.12   Better marketing.
  savvy marketing 1.12   But less savvy marketing leaves some Boomers feeling excluded.
  good marketing 1.05   Good marketing creates anticipation.
  multilevel marketing 1.05   The entire world of multilevel marketing must be approached with care.
  worldwide marketing 1.05   Satjiv Chahil, another Spindler appointee, remains head of worldwide marketing.
  cause-related marketing 0.86   Cause-related marketing, of course, is nothing new.
  increased marketing 0.79   And we have increased marketing and advertising.
  deceptive marketing 0.72   Consumer groups accuse them of deceptive marketing and sales practices.
  american marketing 0.66   Kelly said he had difficulty explaining how American marketing works.
  clever marketing 0.66   What she does like, though, is clever marketing.
  new marketing 0.66   And Davidge brought a new marketing and public relations team to New York.
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