direct marketer 4.02   Pity the poor direct marketer.
  mass marketer 1.38   And IBM and Coke are mass marketers.
  aggressive marketer 1.12   In Romania, Pepsi has become a more aggressive marketer.
  online marketer 1.05   Here is a survey of online marketers.
  free marketer 0.79   Local institutions should be enlisted, not ignored, as the free marketers so often do.
  largest marketer 0.72   Enron Corp. of Houston is the largest U.S. marketer.
  savvy marketer 0.72   He trusts Sprint to be a savvy marketer.
  large marketer 0.66   Two large marketers have placed portions of their accounts in review.
  corporate marketer 0.59   But at the same time, few school officials are an even match for experienced corporate marketers.
  big marketer 0.53   Other big marketers are Enron Corp. of Houston and Amoco Corp. of Chicago.
  international marketer 0.53   Jobert E. Abueva is on a writing sabbatical from his position as an international marketer.
  black marketer 0.46   We look at the implications for legitimate businessmen - and black marketers.
  leading marketer 0.46   The trend should further strengthen the position of Dell Computer and Gateway, the leading direct marketers of PCs.
  mainstream marketer 0.46   Some mainstream marketers are already beginning to see the effects of spam resistance.
  major marketer 0.46   Some industry analysts believe consolidation eventually will leave the industry with a dozen or less major marketers.
  giant marketer 0.39   Voice-mail broadcasting is just one novel method being used by giant marketers to capture the attention of pitch-weary consumers.
  global marketer 0.39   Besides, Mondavi is arguably the most skillful global marketer in the business.
  eager marketer 0.33   The system also prevents the browser from revealing your web surfing habits to eager marketers.
  best marketer 0.26   Company must be the best marketer in the world.
  brilliant marketer 0.26   Israel Sack was a brilliant marketer.
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