close market 128.37   Asian markets were closed.
  open market 50.82   He opened markets in Asia.
  enter market 37.46   China is preparing to enter the market.
  dominate market 26.00   Each dominates their market.
  hit market 23.83   It hit the market that March.
  lead market 22.51   Banks led the market.
  flood market 17.58   Copper flooded the market.
  reach market 13.76   Several new drugs will reach the market soon.
  boost market 11.06   But not enough to boost the market.
  affect market 10.86   How will it affect the market?
  support market 10.53   Utility stocks helped support the market.
  move market 9.35   Evan Sturza moves markets.
  drive market 8.89   Liquidity drives the market.
  mix market 7.97   World markets were mixed.
  expand market 7.77   Televisions could expand the market fivefold,
  help market 7.37   Other factors helped the market.
  create market 7.24   We did not create the market.
  stabilize market 7.11   The rule curbs some trades to stabilize the market.
  find market 6.91   The product failed to find a market.
  develop market 6.58   Pixar has plans to develop new markets.
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